The procedure
Following the request for advice by the Minister, the Committee conducted a fact-finding investigation, the results of which were recorded in a draft investigatory report of 9 November 2009. On 16 November 2009, the draft investigatory report was sent by letter to the applicant for comment and also to the Minister with a request for additional information. On 4 December 2009, the applicant commented on the draft investigatory report, and on 14 December 2009, the Minister informed the Committee that he had no further information to add. The Committee subsequently carried out a further investigation of Dutch and German archives. Furthermore, on 3 March 2010 a Committee delegation interviewed Mr H.N. in L., a report of which was made and sent to the applicant by letter on 2 April 2010, to which she responded on 20 April 2010. The draft investigatory report was amended to include the additional information received and sent to the applicant for perusal on 19 May 2010. The applicant informed the Committee by letter dated 26 May 2010 that she had nothing further to add to this draft report. On behalf of the applicant, Mr N.W.C., steward of castle M., sent the Committee a photograph and additional information concerning the applicant’s father on 25 August 2010.
The investigatory report was adopted on 6 September 2010. For the facts of this case, the Committee refers to the investigatory report.
The painting (NK 2550) at issue in this recommendation is also part of a separate application for restitution, namely the case of the Katz art dealership in Dieren, currently also being handled by the Committee (RC file 1.90-B). The provenance overview of the Origins Unknown Agency cites both Van Aldenburg Bentinck and the Firma D. Katz in Dieren as former owners. As and when necessary, the Committee considers dual claims together. However, given the following considerations, this is not necessary for this recommendation.