In a letter dated 7 February 2005, A.A. asked the Restitutions Committee for the return of works of art from the Netherlands Art Property Collection that had belonged to his uncle, Marcus Frederik de Vries, a Jewish art dealer. In reply to this, the State Secretary for Education, Culture and Science (OCW) asked the Restitutions Committee in a letter dated 28 February 2005 to issue a recommendation about nine works of art (NK 1756, NK 2727, NK 3303, NK 1018, NK 2047, NK 2059, NK 1930, NK 593 and NK 2231). After A.A.’s death on 28 December 2005, his daughter B.B. took her father’s place as applicant. For reasons to be discussed below, B.B. (hereafter referred to as ‘applicant’), subsequently amended the application to include only the saucer (NK 593) and the painting Woman and child at a cradle by the artist J.S.H. Kever (NK 2231). The saucer is currently in the Zuiderzee museum in Enkhuizen and the painting at the Dutch Embassy in Ankara, Turkey.